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Info for exoplanet "Ifuz-uluru"

Scientific (actual) data
PlanetHD 219415 b
Planet statusConfirmed
Mass sini1
Orbital period2093.3
Semi major axis3.2
PublicationPublished in a refereed paper
Detection typeRadial Velocity
Star nameHD 219415
Right ascension348.73°
Mag v8.94
Star metallicity-0.04
Star mass1
Star radius2.9
Star sp typeK0III
Star temperature4820
Wikipedia articleHD 219415 b

Fictional info (?)
Suggested nameIfuz-uluru
Planet typeCold planet
Ifuz-uluru has been known to astronomers since antiquity. This planet is named after the deity Ifuz-uluru, the goddess of love and beauty.

Ifuz-uluru is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from space in visible light.

The volume of water ice in the south polar ice cap, if melted, would be sufficient to cover the entire planetary surface to a depth of 15 meters.
Molecular hydrogen15%
Atmospheric pressure0.05 bar
artist's rendition
MoonSysody RineLarge potato shaped crater-filled asteroid
VomoLarge round rocky planetoid
Kykeqi-reLarge almost round rocky planetoid
Umitere VuteVery small irregular ice asteroid
GimiqHuge round rocky asteroid
Anivi-duqur-yxaLarge almost round gaseous moon
Zyrefes-iLarge irregular crater-filled comet
Dovepu NimSmall round oceanic planetoid
FyvapacuMedium-sized slightly egg-shaped ice asteroid
Funu XenLarge almost round oceanic asteroid
Otes-afan YxiqeLarge round crater-filled asteroid
Natarun IsoweSmall slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
Mesile BujiMedium-sized irregular oceanic planetoid
OnerHuge almost round rocky moon
Iseqiwi HeboVery small irregular crater-filled planetoid
Zemeraj-yLarge irregular ice comet
Yburiba FelawiSmall slightly egg-shaped crater-filled moon
Ruvynat-imeherMedium-sized irregular oceanic moon
Abihudo-tifenVery small potato shaped rocky moon
Ebet-iqaraHuge potato shaped rocky comet
Eces OqoweHuge irregular rocky planetoid
Axuteje LasMedium-sized round ice asteroid
Vejone XerySmall potato shaped rocky comet
Ovas ItLarge round ice planetoid
Gynok'abobetMedium-sized almost round rocky comet
IlunaHuge slightly egg-shaped rocky moon
Uripace MiLarge irregular rocky asteroid
AnemowSmall round rocky asteroid
Xite Rira MeSmall potato shaped rocky moon
EjejLarge round ice moon
OqukyrafLarge almost round ice comet
EfuviSmall irregular ice moon
Oreve-suruq OmSmall round rocky asteroid
Efonej-atesot'iVery small irregular gaseous comet
Oniqo Kekir'aMedium-sized round gaseous moon
Olive-nopMedium-sized potato shaped rocky comet
OlefHuge potato shaped oceanic asteroid
XeconSmall round ice planetoid
WenatMedium-sized potato shaped oceanic moon
OneterajSmall round oceanic asteroid
TixinMedium-sized potato shaped oceanic planetoid
Fydot Iziwy XeSmall almost round rocky planetoid
Vonan-unadyfVery small round ice moon
YpahVery small round gaseous moon
Reqirix'uhaMedium-sized irregular ice moon
Urawa-hevis-yMedium-sized round gaseous asteroid
RolofeHuge round oceanic moon
Google search for Ifuz-uluru

Website by Joachim Michaelis